
The charm of the stage and the immediacy of contemporary languages

Tcorti teatrali

International short play festival




At its 8th edition, Teatri Riflessi is a competition centred on short plays, with no distinction of language: drama, poetry, dance, and performance. 

Since its first edition in 2009, the festival has been promoting the short play format, encouraging a discussion on dramaturgy and enhancing the immediacy of contemporary art languages. In addition, each work stimulates a reflection on the landscape (artistic, cultural, physical, and social), connecting the stage to the representation of the territory and the territory to the contemporary scene.

2023 Edition


Organised by IterCulture, in collaboration with the Municipality of Zafferana Etnea, with the support of Region Sicily and Di Bella Costruzioni,
and the patronage of CENDIC – National Centre of Italian Contemporary Dramaturgy and the University of Messina

The common thread of the festival is the concept of Otherness.

Theatre allows identification as it offers a chance to exchange perspectives and broaden the horizon. Seeing things from a different point of view, through the eyes of the other, is the only way to overcome differences without erasing them. Empathy can be the solution to achieving a sincere form of inclusion. In the end, what we all share is much more than what separates us.

Discover the semifinalists and the juries of the international short-play competition.




for young eyes





Among the submitted proposals, 13 short plays have been selected, lasting around 15 minutes. The selected semifinalists are performing on Thursday, the 13th, and Friday, the 14th of July. 

All works will receive a cachet of €500. 

Two Boards of experts from the performing arts industry will evaluate the short plays, proclaiming the  finalists who are performing again on Saturday, the 15th. 

In addition to the prizes of the competition, the members of Teatri Riflessi’s network can appoint special awards: hosting a play within their theatres or festivals, offering art residencies, tutoring programmes, or incentives.

Published on the 23rd of January, the open call closed on the 23rd of March 2023.


Teatri Riflessi wants to enhance the short play format per se: not as a reduction of a longer work nor as a starting point for a full-evening adaptation. The strength of the short play format lies in the artistic immediacy and urgency it conveys.

The framework of the competition connects, in a way, the ancient Greek theatre—devised as an outdoor competition for a vast audience—to the most provocative tendencies in happenings and performance art, which hinge upon the innate desire of the beholder to participate.

The semifinalists of TR8

“Alldough” | Machete
Republik Österreich (Austria), República Portuguesa (Portogallo)

“Corrente” | Beatriz Mira & Tiago Barreiros
República Portuguesa (Portugal)

“Herz” | ProEnglish Theatre of Ukraine
Україна (Ukraine)

“Gianna” | Nello Provenzano

“K(-A-)O” | Kenji Shinohe
日本 (Giappone)

“La vera storia di Turi u Bastaddu e Agatina puntini puntini” | Retablo

“Makallè” | Miriam Scala
Sicily, Latium

“ORFARM – La Fattoria degli Animali” | Torre del drago aps

“The Vitruvian Human” | Hungry Sharks CIE
Republik Österreich (Austria)

“They’re just joking” | Alessia Ruffolo

“Tutto il mio amore” | Melania FioreLa Resistenza delle Formiche Teatro

“Vicè'” | Gruppo ELE

“Zoe” | Sara Baldassare

The awards of the competition are issued thanks to Di Bella Costruzioni S.R.L. and dedicated to Giovanni Di Bella, the founder and honorary president of the company.

Winners will receive an artwork created by NI.VI Ceramiche – Mary Imbiscuso.


     ‘Giovanni Di Bella’ Best Short Play (€ 1,200)
     ‘Giovanni di Bella’ Best Dramaturgy (€ 400)
     ‘Valentina Nicosia’ Best Performer (€ 400)
Special Mention of the Audience
     Special Mention “Otherness”: Companies’ Choice Award

     ‘Giovanni di Bella’ Best Direction (€ 400)
     Scholarship ‘Giovanni di Bella’ – Dramaturgy Board (€ 400)

     Scholarship ‘Giovanni di Bella’ – Dramaturgy Board (€ 400)

     Special Mention of the Youth Jury
     Special Mention of the Press Jury 

Special Prizes
Teatri Riflessi’s Network and the members of the Juries (artistic directors and programmers for theatres and festivals, theatre networks, programming organisms, and residency centres) awarded:

     Tina di Lorenzo award (Noto)
     Confromazioni Festival award (Palermo)

     Viagrande Studios – artist residency (Viagrande Studios) 

     Tina di Lorenzo award (Noto)
     Viagrande Studios – artist residency (Viagrande Studios) 

     Grifeo award (Petralia Sottana)
     Cortile Teatro Festival 
award (Messina)

     Etna in Scena 
award (Zafferana Etnea)

award by Mood (€ 250)

Teatri Riflessi 8 is promoted and organised by IterCulture, in collaboration with the Municipality of Zafferana Etnea, the support of Region Sicily and Di Bella Costruzioni s.r.l., and the patronage of CENDIC – National Centre of Italian Contemporary Dramaturgy and the University of Messina.

media partner:

Teatri Riflessi 8 opens ETNA in Scena 2023 – organised by the Municipality of Zafferana Etnea (CT).

Planning and Artistic Direction
Dario D’Agata and Valerio Verzin

Ilaria Mirenna

Staff: Costanza Patanè, Laura del Campo, Valeria Buta, Claudia Regio

Translations: Maria Vita Cocuzza, Crina Datcu, Paola Di Bella, Giorgia Privitera

Illustrations: Sofia Rana

Photos: Alice D’Antone

Videomaking: Dario Grasso

Short Play Competition
Roberta Gambino

Technical direction: Valerio Santi

Host: Beatrice Gigliuto

Mini Participatory Performances and Facilitator: Erin B. Mee

Logistics: Orazio Morace

Stage and backstage: Silvia Musarra

Technical Commissions and Juries: Rosalba RuggeriClaudia Migliori

Cultural activities
Emanuela Di Grigoli

TestiRiflessi curatorship:  Grazia Calanna

Arte e Riflessi curatorship:  Susanne Probst

Staff:  Agata Prastani, Simona Trovato, Giulia Sgroi, Martina Caruso


Circolo Didattico Zafferana Etnea and the European volunteers of the Lunaria WorkCamp: Laia Alonso Carbó, Laetitia Ajavon, Elena Benitier, Irati Gil, Jean Givodan, Aleksandra Kološnjaji, Daniele Pellirossi,  Artur Rizer, Victoria Zawartka

IterCulture (Dario D’Agata, Orazio Morace, Valerio Verzin, Ilaria Mirenna)


Will there be a cachet?
Each selected short play will receive a cachet of € 500 and a potential additional reimbursement of up to € 250 (depending on the funds available, the origin of the play, and the number of participants involved), both issued by the Municipality of Zafferana Etnea. The main prizes of the festival consist of a contribution (see the section Prizes, down below). All reimbursements and potential contributions will be paid after the festival if the participants have complied with all the articles and deadlines in the call.

Do I have to pay to submit my proposal?
No. Only if selected, you will need to send a deposit in April that will be refunded after the festival. 

When do I need to be in Zafferana?
As you will be rehearsing either on the 11th or on the 12th of July, you need to be in Zafferana from the 11th/12th to the 16th of July (the final is on the 15th). 

I don’t have a video recording of the play. What can I do?
We only need the recording to assess the interpretation and have an idea of the play. An excerpt is sufficient and so is a reading.  

What if I change something in the play from the materials I submitted?
No major changes are allowed. Only if previously communicated and authorised, minor changes will be tolerated. 

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