
Edited and mediated by Lina Maria Ugolini

Lina Maria Ugolini (Catania, 1963). Daughter and granddaughter of art, she is a writer, poet, storyteller and musicologist.
Creator of forms and languages, she has published several books such as novels, manuals, poetry and creative essays for various publishers. She works with the most famous Italian composers for whom she writes theatrical and music librettos and poetic texts for arias and songs.
She has won several national and international competitions as an author of fables for music and theatrical shorts.
She has collaborated with the Teatro Massimo Bellini, the Camerata Polifonica Siciliana, the Piccolo Teatro di Catania and the Compagnia GoDot of Ragusa. He teaches Poetry for Music and Musical Dramaturgy at the Conservatorio ‘Antonio Vivaldi’ in Alessandria.
She has curated various creative and didactic projects about the writing and dissemination of music. She has several staged texts to her credits.
More information on her activities and books is at

Lina Maria Ugolini

TRForum wants to promote the exchange and encourage the dialogue between different points of view. The aim is to outline the guidelines of contemporary dramaturgy, discussing its relationship with the performing arts industry and the agendas of future editions of Teatri Riflessi. These spaces are open to everyone: artists, operators, jurors and the public.

The main intention of this new edition of TRForum is to deepen the dialectic between external and internal space. The journey starts with the concept of skin, a filter which allows one to be aware of the surrounding space.

The external space, the social, artistic and cultural landscape are the starting point for a dramaturgy able to reflect contemporaneity.


feeling and perceiving space

Thursday 14 | h 6.30 p.m.


stratigraphy of the soul

Friday 15 | h 6.30 p.m.

The second day will be dedicated to the concept of depth.

The aim is to obtain a “stratigraphy” of the soul and life of the dramaturg, to comprehend the importance of the narrative while relating it to personal and social urges.

The third day reaches the external space again: lava and broom become the lively creation that emerges from the depths, a constructive and destructive force.

Lava creates a new space where the broom tree, a symbol of fertility, can grow.


composing, rebuilding and nurturing

Saturday 16 | h 7 p.m.

The words and suggestions given and found during the TRForum will be the basis for the Workshop on Improvisation and Composition. It will be at the opening of the final evening, conducted by Giulia Santini together with the students of Viagrande Studios.


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